Can The Amount Of Alimony Or Spousal Support Ever Be Changed?
Spousal support can always be changed based on a significant change in circumstance. For example, if the person who has been paying spousal support loses their job through no fault of their own, then that would be considered a significant change in financial circumstance, and that person could file a petition to have the spousal support reduced. For alimony, the issue of change will revolve around whether or not the alimony was “modifiable” or “non-modifiable”.
Is There A Period Of Time That Someone Has To Be Married To Qualify For Spousal Support or Alimony?
Not necessarily. Spousal support, APL (Alimony Pendente Lite) or Alimony can be awarded in short term marriages. The determining factors have more to do we need then the duration of the marriage. If the parties’ incomes are similar there may not be an award/need.
When Is Child Support Awarded In The Divorce Process? How Long Does It Typically Last?
Child support and custody issues exist outside the context of marriage and/or divorce since child support obligations are owed regardless of whether the parents of a child were married. A person can file for child support and never file for divorce and can file for divorce and not file for child support. A person can receive child support if the child primarily lives with them or if they share an equal amount of time with the other parent. Child support obligations in Pennsylvania last until a child is 18 years old or graduates from high school—whichever occurs last. This means that if a child turns 18 years old but they are still in high school, then the support will continue until they graduate high school. If the child is not capable of emancipation, then the child support could continue indefinitely until that child is able to be emancipated.
For more information on Modification Of Spousal Support/Alimony, a case evaluation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling or texting (215) 750-9202 today.
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