Wills FAQs
A: A Will is a legal document which allows you to designate what happens to your money, possessions and children when you die.
A: If you die without a Will, your money and possessions are distributed according to Pennsylvania law, without any other considerations. Your spouse may have to share assets with other family members, or a guardian for your children may have to be appointed by the court.
A: With a simple will, you can identify who is going to handle your estate; how your assets are to be divided and who will serve as guardian for your children, etc.
A: Since a Will is not filed until after a person dies, it can be changed or updated throughout your life, as circumstances change.
A: People often think they have lots of time to make one up later. Some think that if they make a Will, they will die! Others think that their family members already know what to do if they die. Some think it costs too much. Some think they don’t have enough assets to have a Will. Regardless, everyone should discuss having a will with an attorney. Every adult should have a Will!
A: If not, please let us know here, and we will get right back to you.
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